Service stages 1-6


 Stage 1

1.1       Assisting in developing a clear project brief

1.2       Attending project initiation meetings

1.3       Advising on the procurement policy for the project

1.4       Advising on other professional consultants and services required

1.5       Defining the quantity surveyor’s scope of work and services

1.6       Concluding the terms of the client/quantity surveyor professional services agreement with the client

1.7       Advising on economic factors affecting the project

1.8       Advising on appropriate financial design criteria

1.9       Providing necessary information within the agreed scope of the project to the other professional consultants and for which the following deliverables are applicable:

1.10     Agreed scope of work

1.11     Agreed services

1.12     Signed client/quantity surveyor professional services agreement


Stage 2

2.1       Agreeing the documentation programme with the principal consultant and other professional consultants

2.2       Attending design and consultants’ meetings

2.3       Reviewing and evaluating design concepts and advising on viability in conjunction with the other professional consultants

2.4       Receiving relevant data and cost estimates from the other professional consultants

2.5       Preparing preliminary and elemental or equivalent estimates of construction cost

2.6       Assisting the client in preparing a financial viability report

2.7       Auditing space allocation against the initial brief

2.8       Liaising, co-operating and providing necessary information to the client, principal consultant and other professional consultants and for which the following deliverables are applicable:

2.9       Preliminary estimate(s) of construction cost

2.10     Elemental or equivalent estimate(s) of construction cost

2.11     Space allocation audit for the project


Stage 3

3.1       Reviewing the documentation programme with the principal consultant and other professional consultants

3.2       Attending design and consultants’ meetings

3.3       Reviewing and evaluating design and outline specifications and exercising cost control in conjunction with the other professional consultants

3.4       Receiving relevant data and cost estimates from the other professional consultants

3.5       Preparing detailed estimates of construction cost

3.6       Assisting the client in reviewing the financial viability report

3.7       Commenting on space and accommodation allowances and preparing an area schedule

3.8       Liaising, co-operating and providing necessary information to the client, principal consultant and other professional consultants and for which the following deliverables are applicable:

3.9       Detailed estimate(s) of construction cost

3.10     Area schedule


Stage 4

4.1       Attending design and consultants’ meetings

4.2       Assisting the principal consultant in the formulation of the procurement strategy for contractors, subcontractors and suppliers

4.3       Reviewing working drawings for compliance with the approved budget of construction cost and/or financial viability

4.4       Preparing documentation for both principal and subcontract procurement

4.5       Assisting the principal consultant with calling of tenders and/or negotiation of prices

4.6       Assisting with financial evaluation of tenders

4.7       Assisting with preparation of contract documentation for signature and for which the following deliverables are applicable:

4.8       Budget of construction cost

4.9       Tender documentation

4.10     Financial evaluation of tenders

4.11     Priced contract documentation


Stage 5

5.1       Attending the site handover

5.2       Preparing schedules of predicted cash flow

5.3       Preparing pro-active estimates for proposed variations for client decision-making

5.4       Attending regular site, technical and progress meetings

5.5       Adjudicating and resolving financial claims by the contractor(s)

5.6       Assisting in the resolution of contractual claims by the contractor(s)

5.7       Establishing and maintaining a financial control system

5.8       Preparing valuations for payment certificates to be issued by the principal agent

5.9       Preparing final account(s) including remeasurement(s) as required for the works on a progressive basis and for which the following deliverables are applicable:

5.10     Schedule(s) of predicted cash flow

5.11     Estimates for proposed variations

5.12     Financial control reports

5.13     Valuations for payment certificates

5.14     Progressive and draft final account(s)


Stage 6

6.1       Preparing valuations for payment certificates to be issued by the principal agent

6.2       Concluding final account(s) and for which the following deliverables are applicable:

6.3       Valuations for payment certificates

6.4       Final account(s)